Spring Garden Table Runner
By Stephanie Flynn Sokolov
Weave all the colors of your garden in this cheery table runner. I chose 3 different fabrics for the main weft.
Project Details
Weave structure: plain weave
Finished size: 12" x 34"
Warp length: 1¾ yd which allows for take-up and 24" loom waste. If weaving on a floor loom, allow 36" loom waste and increase warp yardage by one third.
Width in reed: 13.8"
Number of warp ends: 138
EPI: 10
PPI: 10-11
What You'll Need
Warp: 8/4 Cotton Carpet Warp (800 yd/8 oz tube), 130 yd Ingredient Name Warp: 8/4 Cotton Carpet Warp (800 yd/8 oz tube), 130 yd of Natural and 120 yd of Parakeet
Weft: 8/4 Cotton Carpet Warp (800 yd/ 8 oz tube), 75 yd Old Rose, 15 yd Pear, and 15 yd Parakeet, and 3 coordinating cotton fabrics, cut into ½" rag strips for weft
rigid heddle loom or shaft loom with at least 14” weaving width
10-dent rigid heddle
2 or more 15" stick shuttles
hand beater
rotary cutter, straight edge, and healing board
sewing machine (optional)
Warp the loom according to the color order here.
Weaving: Use a hand beater to firmly press the weft into place.
Weave 1 ¼" of header using the Old Rose carpet warp and hemstitch 2 warps by 2 wefts.
Alternate white fabric and Old Rose cotton carpet warp 2 times. End with 1 pick of white fabric.
Alternate Pear carpet warp and green/blue fabric 6 times, end with Pear carpet warp.
Alternate blue fabric and Old Rose carpet warp 2 times. End with 1 pick of blue fabric.
Alternate Pear carpet warp and green/blue fabric 6 times. End with 1 pick of Pear carpet warp.
Main fabric
Alternate white fabric and Old Rose carpet warp 9 times.
Alternate white fabric and Parakeet carpet warp 3 times.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 nine times.
Alternate white fabric and Old Rose 9 times. End with 1 pick of white fabric.
Weave the border in reverse.
Finishing: Wash in warm water and dish detergent then lay flat to dry. Steam press as needed. Turn the ends under twice and machine or hand stitch into place. Press.