Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I replace a wood part if Schacht doesn't make it anymore?

Look for a nearby woodworker or woodworking guild. Take the part(s) to them for a consultation—it's usually not hard to make replicas.

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How do I clean stainless steel reeds if they get rusty?

Rusty reeds can be cleaned by rubbing out the rust with fine steel wool or by using a commercial rust remover, such as Naval Jelly....

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How do I fix dents, scuffs, or scratches in the wood of my Schacht product?

This method will work on all Schacht wood products, whether they're made of plywood or solid wood, oiled or unoiled. There's just one exception: for...

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Where can I get needles or pins for my Zoom Loom?

You can buy replacement needles here. You can buy pins here.

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How has the Standard Floor Loom changed?

Schacht introduced its Standard Floor Loom at Convergence in 1978—our first floor loom ever! Its weaving widths, wood, castle style, shaft options, and treadle options...

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