Projects, Tutorials, and News
Schacht Spindle Company was founded to support spinners and weavers. For over a decade, we've offered a free newsletter with projects, techniques, and more. Whether you're a beginner or an old hand, you'll find helpful tutorials, projects you love, and Schacht news here!
Looking for projects suitable for young makers? Use the KIDS/CHILDREN tag.
Where Do I Find Things?
On our old website, all newsletter content lived on one web page. We're currently setting up different places so you can find things more easily:
- Projects and Tutorials includes free stuff—projects, spinning how-tos, and weaving tutorials.*
- Blog includes everything else—fiber arts articles, announcements for products and events, and more.
- Archives contains vintage posts about older projects, office challenges, or design inspiration.
*Since 2022, we've put out calls for projects and tutorials. If you're interested in designing a project or writing a tutorial, see Submit a Project for more information.
Projects And Tutorials
Ideas for Weaving: Surprise color
Designed and woven by Jane Patrick
Glory of Gamps: Study in Bronson Lace
Designed and woven by Rachel Simmons
Autumn Crossbody Pouch
Designed and woven by Gabi van Tassell
Twill Blocks Kitchen Towel
Draft by Madelyn van der Hoogt, design by Jane Patrick, woven by Judy Steinkoenig
Exploring Color Interaction Through Spinning with Neps
by Meagan Condon
Zoom Loom Eclectic Art Bag
Designed and woven by Margaret Stump
News from the Ewes
Open Up A Weaving Toolbox
Did you know that our website includes a Weaving Toolbox? It's in the Resources menu. Weavers of all skill levels will find something handy here!...
Spinning and Weaving Week 2024 with Florencia, Campos Correa, Chilean guest speaker and exhibition
We are thrilled to invite you to our Spinning & Weaving Week activities, featuring special guest Florencia Campos Correa from Chile! Florencia is a Santiago, Chile...
Schacht Tools for Schools Grant Update: Fine Line Creative Arts Center
By Vicki Kwarciany, Rigid Heddle Instructor Interest in rigid heddle weaving classes has exploded this year at Fine Line Creative Arts Center! Thanks to Schacht’s Tools...
Schacht Tools for Schools Grant Update: Christ the Divine Teacher School
Christ the Divine Teacher School used the ten Easel Weaver looms for multiple projects in the past year. Martin again hosted Fiber Arts Club at...
Zoom Loom Temperature Blanket
By Jacob Moore Well before I entered the world of weaving I had a career in the biological sciences. I spent a great deal of time...
Schacht Tools for Schools Grant Update: Brooklyn Heights Montessori School
By Anthony DiRenzo What a joy it has been to have Schacht Cricket Looms in my classroom! I teach a class called Erdkinder, a Montessori-specific...
Looking for older projects, tutorials, and tips? Posts prior to 2020 live in the Archives. You can always find them by searching with the magnifying glass—just type in a few words. Or visit the Archives page on this website.