Open Up A Weaving Toolbox
Did you know that our website includes a Weaving Toolbox? It's in the Resources menu. Weavers of all skill levels will find something handy here!...
Spinning and Weaving Week 2024 with Florencia, Campos Correa, Chilean guest speaker and exhibition
We are thrilled to invite you to our Spinning & Weaving Week activities, featuring special guest Florencia Campos Correa from Chile! Florencia is a Santiago, Chile...
Schacht Tools for Schools Grant Update: Fine Line Creative Arts Center
By Vicki Kwarciany, Rigid Heddle Instructor Interest in rigid heddle weaving classes has exploded this year at Fine Line Creative Arts Center! Thanks to Schacht’s Tools...
Schacht Tools for Schools Grant Update: Christ the Divine Teacher School
Christ the Divine Teacher School used the ten Easel Weaver looms for multiple projects in the past year. Martin again hosted Fiber Arts Club at...
Zoom Loom Temperature Blanket
By Jacob Moore Well before I entered the world of weaving I had a career in the biological sciences. I spent a great deal of time...
Schacht Tools for Schools Grant Update: Brooklyn Heights Montessori School
By Anthony DiRenzo What a joy it has been to have Schacht Cricket Looms in my classroom! I teach a class called Erdkinder, a Montessori-specific...
2024 Tools for Schools Recipients
Newhall Elementary School Newhall Elementary School, who serves predominantly low-income families, will receive 10" Cricket Looms and 3" Hi-Lo Drop Spindles to launch a Fiber...
By Cindy Lair In the previous installment “Cut Off” I mentioned CNC (computer numerical control) as a reason our cut off saw needed upgrading. The...
Cut Off
By Cindy Lair In the third installment of this series, we come to the process of cutting a board based on the information the board...