Did you know that our website includes a Weaving Toolbox? It's in the Resources menu. Weavers of all skill levels will find something handy here!
- Weaving Terms includes a glossary and a marked diagram of woven fabric. Can't remember what tabby means? Never heard of a fell line? We've got you covered.
- Setts for Common Yarn helps you substitute yarns. Visit this page and/or download the PDF version. Includes recommended setts (ends per inch) for tabby and twill.
- Warp and Weft Calculator runs the math for your project in inches and yards.
- Choosing the Right Shuttle—Jane Patrick's helpful advice for different types of looms, weft materials, and projects.
- A Simple Guide to Rigid Heddle Reeds will help you choose the right dent for knitting yarns of all sizes.
- Sleying Reeds for Different Setts has a downloadable reed substitution chart. Let's say you have a 10-dent reed and you want to weave at 13 ends per inch. This chart will help you out!
We welcome suggestions for additional tools.