Spinning and Weaving Week 2024 with Florencia, Campos Correa, Chilean guest speaker and exhibition

Spinning and Weaving Week 2024 with Florencia, Campos Correa, Chilean guest speaker and exhibition

We are thrilled to invite you to our Spinning & Weaving Week activities, featuring special guest Florencia Campos Correa from Chile! Florencia is a Santiago, Chile based industrial designer, weaver, teacher, and author. She founded her own brand of knitwear, Ullvuna, and then decided to turn each creation into DIY kits and patterns to let anyone make their own versions. Florencia specializes in small weaving looms, combining them with knitting, crocheting and other needleart techniques. Her latest book, Oversize Projects on a Pin Loom features pin loom patterns as well as full instructions for garments made from Zoom Loom squares. You can learn more about her work at www.ullvuna.cl.

Join us for an engaging lecture, inspiring exhibition, and various activities throughout the week. This page will be updated frequently so stay tuned for all upcoming events! 

All events are at Schacht Spindle Company (6101 Ben Pl. Boulder, CO 80301) unless otherwise noted.

Schedule of Events:
Friday, October 4:

  • 4 PM: Exhibition Opening – "Pin Loom Woven Projects and Patterns" from the book Oversize Projects on a Loom. Explore pieces inspired by the diversity and richness of Chilean geography and culture.
  • 5 PM - 8 PM: Opening Festivities PLEASE RSVP – Enjoy our spin-in event, Florencia's lecture, and pizza. We're also doing an exciting giveaway of our Sidekick Spinning Wheel, now featuring a sleek black drive wheel. For every Schacht Spinning & Weaving week event that you attend (entries only valid for events at the Schacht factory 6101 Ben Pl, Boulder, CO 80301), you'll get one entry into the giveaway (limit of one entry per day). Join us all week for the best odds! As with every First Friday spin-in, enjoy a 10% discount on all purchases.

 Sidekick unfolded for spinning

Saturday, October 5:

  • 1 PM - 4 PM: Exhibition open. Continue to register for the Sidekick giveaway and enjoy a 10% discount on in-store purchases.
  • 3 PM - 4 PM: Lecture with Florencia Campos Correa.


Sunday, October 6:

  • 1PM - 3PM: Zoom Loom Pattern Weaving Demonstration with Florencia at Longmont Yarn Shoppe (454 Main St, Longmont, CO 80501)
  • 1 PM - 3 PM: Exhibition open. Additional opportunities to register for the giveaway and obtain a 10% discount on all purchases. Please note that this is a viewing time, however, Florencia will not be at the exhibition.

 Monday, October 7:

  • 9 AM - 4 PM: Exhibition open.
  • Register for the giveaway.
  • Schedule a tour of the Schacht factory!

Tuesday, October 8: 

  • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM: Zoom Loom Pattern Weaving Demonstration with Florencia at Lambspun of Colorado (1101 E Lincoln Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80524)
  • 9 AM - 4 PM: Exhibition open.
  • Register for the giveaway.
  • Schedule a tour of the Schacht factory!
  • Sidekick giveaway drawing at 3pm.


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