Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I replace a wood part if Schacht doesn't make it anymore?

Look for a nearby woodworker or woodworking guild. Take the part(s) to them for a consultation—it's usually not hard to make replicas.

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How do I fix dents, scuffs, or scratches in the wood of my Schacht product?

This method will work on all Schacht wood products, whether they're made of plywood or solid wood, oiled or unoiled. There's just one exception: for...

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My new Schacht product arrived with broken parts or parts missing—how can I get replacements?

If you bought your product on this website and it arrived with broken parts, contact Customer Service. If you purchased from a Schacht dealer, contact them...

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What's the slant of the Floor Loom Bench seat?

You can assemble the Floor Loom Bench with the seat parallel to the floor (180 degrees) or at a slant of 5.25 degrees. Some weavers...

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My used Schacht product has broken parts or parts missing—how can I get replacements?

If you buy a used Schacht product, we may be able to help you get it into working condition. Our Customer Service specialists can help...

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