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Double the Bobbin, Double the Fun?
weaving techniques

Double the Bobbin, Double the Fun?

When you want to combine wefts, here's why you'll prefer a double bobbin boat shuttle.

Warp Painting Report
shaft loom weaving weaving techniques

Warp Painting Report

By Jane Patrick

Weaving Tips: Draft Mix and Match and More!
weaving techniques

Weaving Tips: Draft Mix and Match and More!

When Jane Patrick took a warp painting workshop, she remembered some great tips for shaft loom weaving.

How to Use a Floating Selvedge
shaft loom weaving weaving techniques

How to Use a Floating Selvedge

Dear Tabby, I’ve heard of a floating selvedge but I don’t know when and how to use it. Your help is appreciated. Thanks, June in...

Calculating Yardage
weaving techniques

Calculating Yardage

Dear Tabby,  I have some yarn that I want to use for a project but I don’t know how much I have. I don’t want...

Exploring Rosepath on 8 Shafts
shaft loom weaving weaving techniques

Exploring Rosepath on 8 Shafts

By Jane Patrick

Danish Medallions
rigid heddle weaving shaft loom weaving weaving techniques

Danish Medallions

By Jane Patrick

How to Choose the Right Sett
weaving techniques

How to Choose the Right Sett

By Jane Patrick

Weaving with Textured Yarns
spinning weaving techniques

Weaving with Textured Yarns

By Denise Renee Grace