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Part 5: Dispatches from the Loom
rigid heddle weaving spinning

Part 5: Dispatches from the Loom

By Beth Smith and Jillian Moreno

Part 4: Spinning to Weave
rigid heddle weaving spinning

Part 4: Spinning to Weave

By Beth Smith and Jillian Moreno

Density Plaid Wrap - Voolenvine Yarns Collaboration
rigid heddle weaving wearables

Density Plaid Wrap - Voolenvine Yarns Collaboration

Designed by Benjamin Krudwig

Part 3: The Weaver and the Groundhog
rigid heddle weaving spinning

Part 3: The Weaver and the Groundhog

By Beth Smith and Jillian Moreno

Part 2: Sampling—The Long and Short of It
rigid heddle weaving spinning

Part 2: Sampling—The Long and Short of It

By Beth Smith and Jillian Moreno

Part 1: Smith and Moreno Take On Weaving
rigid heddle weaving spinning

Part 1: Smith and Moreno Take On Weaving

By Beth Smith and Jillian Moreno

Cindy's Candy Cover
Zoom Loom

Cindy's Candy Cover

By Cindy Lair

Upcycled Woven Pencil Box
frame loom weaving Incredible Rope Machine upcycled/recycled materials

Upcycled Woven Pencil Box

By Benjamin Krudwig

Weaving Equipment for Storing Handspun Yarn

Weaving Equipment for Storing Handspun Yarn

By Stephanie Flynn Sokolov Spinning yarn is a necessity for me. The need is not for the actual yarn produced, but the process of making...