Schacht Cranbrook Countermarche Loom
Schacht took over production of the historic Cranbrook Loom in 1996. We discontinued this loom and its accessories in 2023.
- "Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About Tying Up a Countermarch Loom" by Madelyn van der Hoogt with David Xenakis
- Lee's Surrender Coverlet, designed and woven by Karen Ruckle Gardner
How to Adjust the Shed
If the upper shed (raised warps) are uneven:
Raise the threads by shortening the lower lamm cord of the errant shaft.
If the lower shed (sinking warps) needs to be adjusted:
Determine which shafts are errant and whether they need to be raised or lowered (that is, if shaft 2 is the only shaft that is hanging above or below the other sinking warps, fix this one only). To adjust, either shorten or lengthen the tie-up cord to the suspended (upper) lamm.
Lower lamm = rising shed = red (usually O in the tie-up draft)
Remember: bottoms up!
Upper lamm = sinking shed = black
Product Photos
Product Descriptions And Manuals

The Cranbrook: Legacy of a Loom
Almost always, we design our own products, but from time to time we have acquired a product because Barry admired it. The Cranbrook Loom, purchased from Norwood Looms in 1996, was our...