Schacht Cranbrook Countermarche Loom

Schacht took over production of the historic Cranbrook Loom in 1996. We discontinued this loom and its accessories in 2023.


How to Adjust the Shed

If the upper shed (raised warps) are uneven:
Raise the threads by shortening the lower lamm cord of the errant shaft.

If the lower shed (sinking warps) needs to be adjusted:
Determine which shafts are errant and whether they need to be raised or lowered (that is, if shaft 2 is the only shaft that is hanging above or below the other sinking warps, fix this one only).  To adjust, either shorten or lengthen the tie-up cord to the suspended (upper) lamm.

Lower lamm = rising shed = red (usually O in the tie-up draft)
Remember: bottoms up!

Upper lamm = sinking shed = black

Product Photos

Schacht Cranbrook Loom
Schacht Cranbrook Loom
Suspended Tool Shelf
Weaving Bench
Sliding Threading Bench
Beater Weight
Tension Box Rail

Product Descriptions And Manuals

The Cranbrook: Legacy of a Loom

Almost always, we design our own products, but from time to time we have acquired a product because Barry admired it. The Cranbrook Loom, purchased from Norwood Looms in 1996, was our...

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