- Try to keep the wheel in a dry, moderate climate.
- Try to avoid temperature extremes (i.e. keep out of direct sunlight and really damp and cold climates).
- Do not use Liquid Gold or other water-based cleaning products.
- If the wheel needs cleaning, use a cloth with paint thinner or similar non-water based product to wipe off dirt (once a year at most) and then re-oil with a natural oil like Deft or Watco (follow the directions on the can!). Steel wool, grade 00, may also be used to clean the wheel.
- Use 10-20 or 10-30 weight oil sparingly, rarely on the footman, mostly just on the flyer shaft and bobbins while spinning. Regularly wiping the shaft clean will prevent the oil from becoming gummy.
- No oil or lubricant should be used in the spinning wheel hub pin hole, in the center of the hub between the spokes.
© Schacht Spindle Company