Tie Ups for Wolf and Standard Floor Looms

$19.00 You Save


Includes 24 tie ups, in regular height and Height Extender styles. Regular tie ups are 8" long with brown buttons. Height Extender tie ups are 9-3/4" long with gray buttons.

Looms ship with one tie up per treadle, multiplied by the number of shafts. For example, if you have a 4 shaft Baby Wolf, it has 6 treadles, so the loom came with 24 tie ups.

Fits all Standard Floor Looms and most Wolf looms—original Wolf Pup looms do not use these tie ups.

Read Before Ordering
How to Install
Read Before Ordering

  • Regular tie ups fit all Wolf Pup LT, Wolf Pup 8.10, Baby Wolf, Mighty Wolf, and Standard Floor Looms.
  • Height Extender Tie ups fit only Wolf Pup LT, Wolf Pup 8.10, Baby Wolf, and Mighty Wolf Height Extender looms.

The original Wolf Pup does not use tie ups; its harness cords attach to the treadles. If you need to replace these cords, they are sold on this website.

Looms ship with these quantities:

  • Wolf Pup LT, 24 cords
  • Wolf Pup 8.10, 80 cords
  • Baby Wolf 4 shaft, 24 cords
  • Baby Wolf 8 shaft, 80 cords
  • Mighty Wolf 8 shaft, 80 cords
  • Standard Floor Loom 36", 80 cords
  • Standard Floor Loom 45", 96 cords
How to Install
  1. If necessary, remove old tie ups from the lamm(s) and treadle(s) of your loom.
  2. Attach new tie ups to the lamm: Loop one end of each tie up through a hole in the lamm. For 8-shaft and 4 Now-4 Later looms, there is one tie up for every lamm hole. For 4-shaft looms, use only the 6 middle holes of each lamm.
  3. Attach tie ups to the treadle: slip the button end of the tie up into the treadle's slot. Work from the front lamm to the rear lamm for each treadle.