By David Pipinich

Patched Life—2013—44" x 32"
Though the Zoom Loom is considered a small loom, projects of large scale are easily attainable. An art piece such as this wall hanging allows us to explore color and the meaning behind the crafts we love. We hope you enjoy this piece from our former intern David Pipinich as much as we do.
"Textiles is an art of precision and details, and for me this becomes a therapeutic process. I try to express the humor I find in everyday life by using colors and changing the ways my audience looks at common objects.
This piece was made from small woven squares woven on the Zoom Loom and then crocheted together. They represent small fragments of memories pieced together to make up who I am. Each square has multiple colors spun together to show how a memory is never a solid thing, but ever changing."—David Pipinich

Patched Life—2013—44" x 32"