We are taking a brief break from our Variable Dent Reed series to bring you a special post.
Last week we announced the winner of the Winter Zoom Loom Doll challenge; this week we have the inspiration behind the winning doll.
We asked Susan what her inspiration was for the doll, and she sent us the following:
"I dreamed and constructed the Winter Zoom Loom Doll Challenge one freezing stormy weekend. The winter road conditions pretty much left me snowbound so I stayed in all weekend. I saw the Challenge on the Zoom Loom Ravelry Board. I had a Zoom Loom that I had purchased several months ago and had made a few practice squares dreaming that they would become a blanket some day.
"The practice squares became the 'clothes and accessories' for Winnie the Winter Doll. I made 8 more woven squares for the body similar to the Schacht Doll Pattern. I embellished her dress with some embroidery and constructed a totebag and filled it with a 'weaving' project."
Susan Inouye (the doll maker) lives in rural Idaho. Her interests in the fiber arts range from knitting and more recently, simple weaving projects.
Thank you Susan for sharing your inspiration and imagination! Congratulations on your inspirational win!
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