Looking for projects suitable for young makers? Use the KIDS/CHILDREN tag.


Sequined Shawl Sampling
weaving techniques

Sequined Shawl Sampling

By Denise Renee Grace

Spinning in Color

Spinning in Color

By Stephanie Flynn Sokolov Trends come and go in all aspects of our lives. I find it especially true in spinning and weaving. If you...

Fibonacci Scarf
rigid heddle weaving

Fibonacci Scarf

By Kate White

Let's Talk About Tension

Let's Talk About Tension

By Denise Renee Grace

Back To School - Crabapple Scarves
rigid heddle weaving

Back To School - Crabapple Scarves

By Judy Pagels

Mini Loom Lunch Bag
bags frame loom weaving Incredible Rope Machine

Mini Loom Lunch Bag

By Jane Patrick

Handwoven Sketchbook Cover
upcycled/recycled materials

Handwoven Sketchbook Cover

By Benjamin Krudwig

Benji's Backpack
rigid heddle weaving spinning Zoom Loom

Benji's Backpack

By Benjamin Krudwig

Cloud Scarf
rigid heddle weaving wearables

Cloud Scarf

By Stephanie Flynn Sokolov