By using two rigid heddles, you can expand the capabilities of your rigid heddle loom. You can double your warp sett to weave finer fabrics, create simple patterns with two heddles, use pick-up sticks for additional patterning—including twill—and even tackle doubleweave.
Weaving with two heddles may seem daunting, but it really is quite easy. In the first class, we’ll wind a warp, then we'll put it on a Flip loom and thread two heddles. Then we'll weave a sampler scarf to practice weaving with two heddles, including plain weave, simple patterning using different heddle combinations, pick-up stick patterns, and 1/3 and 2/2 twill. In the second class, we’ll explore doubleweave. I’ve designed a doubleweave tool holder that we’ll weave and finish.