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Cherry Wolf Strollers
Cherry Wolf Double Back Beams
Cherry Wolf Traps
Labor per hour
Weaving Hand Towels Simply
Trestle Stand Hardware for Flip Loom
Brake Release Pedals for Wolf Looms
Scotch Tension Peg (old style) for Ladybug
Hardware Bag for Floor Loom Bench
Sides for 14 Yard Warping Board
Beater Top and Bottom Kits for Standard Floor Loom
Beater Top and Bottom Kits for Wolf
Motor for Electric Bobbin Winder
Snap Ring for Bobbin Winders and Yardage Counters
Drive Axle and Pulley Kit for Single End Bobbin Winder
Drive Band for Ultra Umbrella Swift with Counter
Wheel Kit for Wolf Pup Looms
Treadles for Wolf
Treadles for Standard Floor Loom
Treadle Support Bar for Matchless
Thumb Screw for Old Style Tensioned Lazy Kate
Tapered Handle Kits for Wolf Looms and Standard Floor Looms
T Knob and Bolt for Matchless
Square Beam for Standard Floor Loom
Snap Rings for Spinning Wheel Footmen, 2 pack
Rubber Bumper/Wedge for Original Tapestry Loom and Table Loom
Rear Foot for Matchless/Rubber Bumper for Arras
Ratchet Advance Lever Parts for Standard Floor Loom
Hex Wrench for End Delivery Shuttles, Bobbin Winders, and Yardage Counters
Legs for Wolf
Harnesses (Shafts) for Wolf and Standard Floor Loom