Frequently Asked Questions

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Why is my loom's ratchet dog missing?

Unless someone removed the ratchet dog from your loom, it isn't missing—it's hiding. The ratchet dog on the Wolf looms and Standard Floor Loom can...

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What's the slant of the Floor Loom Bench seat?

You can assemble the Floor Loom Bench with the seat parallel to the floor (180 degrees) or at a slant of 5.25 degrees. Some weavers...

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I'm not getting a shed on my Cricket, Cricket Quartet, or Flip loom—is there any easy fix?

If you warped your loom and don't get a shed when the heddle is down, it's likely that your warp didn't go over the back...

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Where do I get heddles for my Inkle Loom?

You will need a heddle for each warp end listed on the top row of your pattern draft. String heddles should be made of a...

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Can I make my 4-shaft loom into an 8-shaft loom?

The simple answer is "yes," if you own a 4 Now-4 Later loom. There are several ways to tell: Look inside the castle of your...

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